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Healing Sessions

NOTE: 1-2-1 healing is currently FULL. Waitlist is available. Intimate groupwork is available, and courses are available.

I specialise in working with empaths and highly sensitive people.

I am one myself, and know that I work best with practitioners who are as well, because they have walked the path I need to navigate and can therefore help me best. If you have experienced feeling mis-attuned to, misunderstood, or been called 'oversensitive', 'over-reactive', or other similar things, I feel your pain, and want you to know this: your sensitivity can be a superpower, if you know how to use it, and the side effects can be healed. 


If you are a sensitive soul, I know you have an innate capacity to guide, heal, parent, advise, and teach others, whether you have realised this yet or not. However, you can only do this when you are well! As a sensitive souls you will be more susceptible to accumulating trauma, nervous tension, stress, and burning out. It is very common for sensitive children who have parents who are less sensitive than they are to suffer needlessly because they are not shown tools to navigate their experience, and you may feel that you can't always manage your emotional experiences, perhaps resorting to protective strategies to cope. You deserve to have adequate support to resolve the issues that hold you back from giving your full gifts to the world, and allow you the space to shed the constraints on the full blossoming of your sensitivity, free from symptoms and suffering. My calling is to help restore the balance and presence for those suffering from overload, overwhelm, and the accumulation of symptoms stemming from this, so that they can give their much needed gifts to the world. Over the years, having worked with many clients sharing these intentions, my specialisms have become supporting clients to:

  • Resolve trauma and heal the nervous system

  • Resolve inner conflict, inner critics, or challenging thought patterns

  • Regulate strong emotions or access blocked emotions

  • Heal emotional problems and childhood wounds

  • Heal chronic pain

  • Recover from narcissistic abuse and/or co-dependency

  • Heal from childhood emotional neglect or deprivation

  • Connect to, nurture, and re-parent the inner child

  • Support the awakening process

  • Unlock creativity and latent talents

  • Find direction, purpose, and meaning

In tribal communities, when someone visits the shaman for healing they may be asked "When did you last sing? When did you last dance? When did you last pray?"
I believe we are all our own best healers, and that you do have everything you need within to support your healing and growth. However, I also know that when we get stuck, and feel especially heavy, or when we have a larger issue than we feel able to process alone, it can be hugely supportive to receive compassionate and skilled healing from another. The importance of support from another person is especially true when it is healing in itself to ask for help and to practice receiving, and when you are needing to heal relational wounding and trauma.  
My aim will be to restore you to your own healing potential as soon as possible, and empower you to continue when you are ready with your own healing journey as a confident self-healing divine being. If you feel called, I warmly invite you to get in touch to book a session.
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The Process of working with me

First, book a call: I offer a free phone consultation to see if working together could be a good fit, and to answer any questions (with no obligation). At the end of the call, you can schedule an initial session with me if you would like to.


The healing begins the moment you arrive, and come into the resonance of the healing field here, but you may even notice a shift from the moment you decide to book, or confirm your session - it can really shift us into a new pattern when we decide to take action. 


Second, fill out a form: After our call you can check you are happy with my my terms and conditions by reading my 'client agreement form', and fill out an intake form which will ask a lot of personal questions aimed at saving time in our first session and giving me an overview and a sense of where to start our work together. For groupwork I also use these forms to create cohesive groups based on similar healing goals. Many clients also find it an illuminating exercise to clarify their own intentions.

Third, come for an initial session: Our first session is a chance to get a sense of what working with me is like, to see how we get along, and if we both feel that I can help.

We would typically start by discussing what brought you to the session and what you'd like to get out of it. The middle of the session is unique and may include one or a range of modalities, based on what you bring, and need, which will be a collaboration between you, myself, and spirit. At the end of the initial session we will discuss a healing plan, and I may either make recommendations for your ongoing healing process from my professional network, or if we decide to work together, we'll agree whether to work 1-2-1 or in a group, and the length of session (60 or 90mins) and the frequency (weekly or fortnightly). You must have an initial 1-2-1 session if you want to come for groupwork, so I can be sure to create safe feeling groups where there is a good connection between myself and each member of the group.

Fourth, attend regular sessions: Now the real work begins, and we meet for regular sessions as we've agreed (although we can re-negotiate this at any time so that it continues to suit you). We will bring light to the root causes, bring healing and consciousness to the situations and issues, and work to create permanent sustainable changes that means you can elevate yourself to live as you long to live. We will agree together if and how much work you will do between sessions and I can give you exercises, practices and tools to use for your self healing if you want.


People like to know how long it will take, and this is never possible to answer accurately, but I can say that most people experience significant shifts within 3 months, deep changes after 6-9 months, and complete work with me within 1-2 years, although each person is different and it will depend on how deep you want to go and where you want to be before we finish work.

Finally, create a positive ending: endings can be so important, especially as ending relationships may have been painful, sudden, or traumatic in the past. I always ask that 2-3 sessions notice are given if you want to end work so that we can attend to any parts of you that want to feel a sense of completion and resolution and end as well as possible. I remain available to past clients for ad-hoc sessions when needed (although I no longer offer ad-hoc sessions to new clients).

There are limitations to those I can help at this time. I am not a good fit for working with you if: 

- You are not ready and willing to change

- You do not respect boundaries

- You cannot afford sessions without financial harm

- You want to be fixed, saved, or have your inner-work done for you

- You are not willing to take responsibility for yourself

- You cannot commit to attending sessions reliably 

- You have a currently active addiction to drugs or alcohol and are not in treatment for it

- You have a personality disorder

- You are on medication for mental health 

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My Healing Space in Bristol.jpg

Ways of working with me: 


I no longer offer ad-hoc sessions to new clients. This is because I want for people to genuinely experience lasting transformation, and a one off session here or there (no matter how good or deep!) can't facilitate that process. It takes time to re-wire old patterns and experience a change in the state of your inner world, to get to the root and permanently resolve issues. For this reason, I now offer an initial session to see if working together will best suit you, and if so, I offer either:


- Consistent regular 1-2-1 sessions for a period of time until you consider yourself healed or empowered to continue your own healing.

- Fixed term (usually 6 weeks) groupwork sessions in intimate groups with similar goals. Healing in a community has some powerful advantages, and is also considerably more accessible cost-wise.

- Self-paced courses specifically for sensitive people for specific healing goals. You can see these at If you become a student on a course of mine, you can then access 1-2-1 sessions on an ad-hoc basis as needed to support you alongside those courses. Some courses will include group work while others don't.

If you are considering how best to work with me but have questions, I offer a free phone consultation to answer any questions (with no obligation).


An in-depth tailored journey into my subconscious

“Last night I had my very first hypnotherapy session EVER. Joy has the most warming and calming aura, I kept immediately welcomed walking into the healing space (which is probably one of my favourite places to ever had been in). The hypnotherapy was incredible but the craziest healing process I’ve ever experience. I went into in with some form of expectations yet having no experience or actually knowledge of what to expect and it exceeded all knowledge. Anyways, it was wonderfully in-depth, tailored to my own journey into my subconscious and deeply relaxing. Booked another session before I left and would highly recommend to anyone who wishes to explore this type of healing or is looking for a new hypnotherapist to contact Joy!.”



Healing Testimonials

Healing Testimonials

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DISCLAIMER - I can not diagnose any disease, do not claim to cure any disease, and should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment for any condition. If you are taking medication for a medical condition, it is possible that through healing your dosage may need to be adjusted, so it is important to continue to dialogue with your healthcare provider.

Cancellation policy - Sessions are fully refundable or transferable with 5 working days notice, 50% refundable within 5 working days, with the option of rescheduling if that is possible, and no refund is offered if you cancel within 48 hours.

A Welcome Gift

I'd love to offer you a gift.

This is a guided meditation for you to download and use for:

Centering yourself in your heart

Increasing presence with yourself

Gently calming the mind 

It can be used regularly as training for a heart led life. I hope you get as much from it as I have :)

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