About Kripa

Hi, I'm Dr. Kripa Lovesea
More and more people are finding these times to be intense, with strong emotions, big and rapid life changes.
And an inner calling to find more purpose and meaning, and to come into better relationship with life - including a harmonious balance within our body, our thoughts, our relationships, our work and our environment.
There is, for those sensitive enough, or who choose to tune into it, a deep call.
It is a call towards awakening.
Towards unconditional love. Towards freedom. Towards unbridled joy. Towards unity. If you feel it, perhaps you are already doing what you can to answer the call. I know I am!
Moving towards these things, however, requires us to feel deeply all of the energies moving through us, including those we find uncomfortable or unpleasant.
When we block, shut down, or repress the "difficult" things, we do that to the "good stuff" too. I am comfortable sitting with you in your pain, despair, grief, and anguish, because I have been there, and I feel deep compassion for suffering.
I can guide you to contact and be with what needs to be experienced for you to move through it and to integrate it.
On the other side of this process, you can experience more wholeness, integration, self-love, compassion, inner-strength, and resourcefulness for lifes' vicissitudes.

I believe that those things we call “dis-ease” and those things we want most to be rid of (emotions like anxiety, depression, rage, beliefs like “I’m not good enough” “I’m unlovable”, and habits like addictions and self-sabotage) are teachers.
They are showing us how to live so that we can give our unique gifts, and be in harmony with life and all that is.
This is the way to real fulfilment and health. I can support you to tune into and understand the root of the issue you may be having and resolve the underlying unintegrated aspect that has led to the conditions for dis-ease.
I can bring some light into the picture, and offer a perspective that may shift you into a state where you can keep moving forward.
The journey towards awakening requires of us that we release everything that keeps us asleep. The journey towards health requires of us that we let go of all those unhealthy patterns that got us sick in the first place.
Knowing what these patterns might be, and what can be done to change them, is part of what I have made it my life's work to find out.
I have spent the majority of my adult life diligently rooting out the source of my own issues, and through lots of trainings and initiations (in energy healing - theta healing, vortex divine energy healing, and full spectrum healing - shamanic healing, internal family systems therapy (L3 certified), IFIO couples therapy, hypnotherapy, natural wisdom leadership, munay-ki initiation, master-plant dietas, initiation into therapeutic community leadership, group facilitation training, theta healing, reiki, meditation, and extensive personal process work) I have mastered some ways to navigate this journey. I now work pre-dominantly with Vortex Divine Energy Healing and Internal Family Systems therapy.

For me, one outcome of this is that I have deep gratitude for the challenges I have faced in this life (including a chronically abusive and neglectful childhood) and an innerstanding of the ways to transform these into the alchemical gold of my unique gifts to this world.
Another outcome is that I can be a skilled companion to you if you are ready to make changes to improve your health, your emotional integration, your quality of relationship to yourself and others, and to the rhythm of your life, so that it more closely reflects your potential, your calling, your excitement and joy.
My sincere desire is to support healing to facilitate the evolution of human consciousness and the awakening happening now on earth. My way of doing that at this time, is to support people to find their power, truth, divinity, and joy, to make the journey easier and less lonely for those who wish it, and to guide people in finding their own healing, creativity, spiritual connection, and self-love.
My special passion and focus is to empower highly sensitive people and empaths to understand, work with, and make the most of their gifts.
If you are reading this, you have already made the most important healing step, which is awareness.
You are aware of whatever condition or pattern has motivated you to seek help, and without this, nothing else can happen!
Once awareness is there, the rest can unfold. Because change is a process that unfolds over time, I prefer to see clients for a number of sessions, to really ensure that lasting change and transformation occurs and is integrated, or in the setting of a retreat, where we can really get to a depth not possible in a typical healing session.
The beginning of this unfolding is your intention: that can happen right now.
Once you decide enough is enough and you are ready to stop suffering and start making a positive change instead, magic can begin to happen.
What happens from the moment you set an intention for healing is a totally natural process of unravelling, clearing, and aligning, that often involves incredible synchronicities, and sometimes even miracles, and will ultimately lead you to exactly where you need to be.
With love,